ALLEZ ELIZABETH - FEATURED IMAGE - So You Wanna Learn a Language - ​​12 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Learn A Language

So You Wanna Learn a Language? – ​​12 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Learn A Language

“A different language is a different vision of life.”

Federico Fellini

There are plenty of reasons to learn a new language, but there are also some valid reasons why you might not want to tackle a new language learning journey. If any of the following apply to you, it might be best to sit this out.

When it comes to learning languages, there are many things to consider. For some people, the decision to learn a language is easy – but for others, the decision can be more difficult. If you’re on the fence about learning a language, here are twelve reasons why you might not want to know one. Keep in mind that these are generalizations, and there are always exceptions – but they can give you something to think about before making your final decision.

1. You Don't Like Some Structure

Learning a language can be challenging if you don’t like structure and relying on rules. Languages are full of grammar rules that can seem confusing at first glance, and it can be difficult to keep all of those rules straight in your head. If you like to break the rules or color outside the lines, learning a language might not be for you. 

Learn the rules and then break them. I always advise people to learn a language and then use dialects or slang.

2. You're Not Prepared to Make Mistakes

Making mistakes is part of the learning process – but some people hate making them more than others. Learning a new language is probably not suitable for you if you get embarrassed or angry when you make mistakes. To learn effectively, you need to be okay with making mistakes and using them as opportunities for growth. 

It's normal not to be great at something when first starting out. Don't worry, it won't last forever.

Learning a new language can be tricky because it means stepping out of your comfort zone. If you're uncomfortable with change, learning a new language might not be right for you. Learning a new language requires being open to new experiences and willing to try things outside of your comfort zone. 

3. You're Not Patient

Learning a language takes time – there’s no way around it. You might not be able to have conversations in your new language immediately, which can be frustrating if you’re not patient.  If you're not patient, you might get frustrated and give up. If you want to learn a language, you need to be prepared for some bumps in the road and be patient enough to wait for results. 

Some languages are more challenging than others. Just because you learned Spanish fast doesn't mean Thai is going to be easy.

ALLEZ ELIZABETH - CUSTOM LARGE RECTANGULAR AD - #31DayAspiringPolyglot Challenge – Learning Persian (Fārsī)
Here's me taking a crack at Persian. *crying face*

Each language has its own challenges, and some languages are more difficult than others. If you're not prepared to do extra work and give yourself some grace, learning another language might not be right for you.

ALLEZ ELIZABETH - QUOTE - So You Wanna Learn a Language - ​​12 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Learn A Language - FEDERICO FELLINI
“A different language is a different vision of life.” – Federico Fellini

4. You're Expecting Overnight Success

Learning a new language takes time, effort, and practice – there are no shortcuts. If you're looking for an easy way to become fluent overnight, you will be disappointed. While there are some things, you can do to speed up the process, such as using a spaced repetition system or immersing yourself in the language, becoming fluent takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself and enjoy the journey!

Learning a new language takes time, practice, and dedication to become fluent.

5. You're Perfectly Happy With Your Current Language Skills

If you already have all the language skills you need and are perfectly content with your current level, there’s no need to learn another language. Language learning is about improving your communication skills – so if you don’t feel like your skills could use some work, there’s no reason to put yourself through the stress of learning another language. 

6. Because It Is Trendy

Learning a new language is a great way to keep your brain active and improve your communication skills, but it's not for everyone. If you're not genuinely interested in the language or culture, you're probably better off sticking with your mother tongue. But if you are passionate about learning another language, go for it! Remember that becoming proficient takes time, effort, and practice.

Just because French is the language of love doesn't mean you have to learn it too. If Mandarin Chinese is more your speed, then go for it!

A few years ago, I remembered someone telling me they were going to learn Brazilian Portuguese because they were going to Lisbon for Spring Break and wanted to be in touch with the locals. Yep, I made the same face.

7. You're Not Willing to Practice

Practice makes perfect – but only if you’re willing to practice. It’s not enough to just carry a language textbook or listen to audio lessons once in a while. If you want to learn a language, you need to be willing to dedicate time to actively practicing regularly. Without consistent practice, it's impossible to make progress.

We often approach language courses the way toddlers eat apples; however, this method is not always effective in helping us learn a new language.

It's true, and unless you're some kind of genius, you will not learn through osmosis.  You need to be willing to dedicate time each day or week to practice if you want to improve. If you don't have the time to commit to regular practice, it might be best to wait until you do.

8. You're Not Motivated

Learning a language takes time, effort, and motivation. If you're not motivated to learn, you're not going to get very far.  While there are some things you can do to increase your motivation, such as setting goals or finding a study partner, ultimately, it's up to you to find the drive to stick with it.

To be successful in your language learning journey, you need to have a reason for why you're doing it – whether that's for work, travel, or personal enrichment. Without motivation, it's easy to give up when things get tough. 

If you're not self-motivated to study a new language, your likelihood of success decreases. Learning a language takes lots of effort and dedication, so unless you feel it, maybe put off studying until you are ready.

9. You're Trying to Keep Up with Other Language Learners

Sure, flags look cool on your profile, but if you're only learning a language to keep up with other people, you're not going to get very far. There's no reason to feel like you have to learn a language just because everyone else is doing it. Find something that genuinely interests you, and go for it! Learning a new language takes time, effort, and dedication, so ensure you're doing it for the right reasons.

There's no reason to feel like you have to learn a language, travel, or do anything just because everyone else is doing it.

10. You Want to Learn Multiple Languages At Once

Learning more than one language at a time can be overwhelming and lead to frustration. Focusing on one language at a time is essential to make the most progress. Once you feel comfortable with your first language, you can move on to learning another. Trying to learn multiple languages simultaneously is usually not recommended for beginners. Notice how I said, beginners if you're already bilingual, kudos to you! You can probably handle more than one language at a time.

If you want to learn multiple languages, focus on one at a time. Once you feel comfortable with your first language, you can move on to learning another. Trying to learn multiple languages simultaneously is usually not recommended for beginners.

If you're going to be a rebel and do it anyway, start with language families. If you know French or Spanish, any romance language will be more straightforward. There's an excellent book for that:


11. Do Not Learn A Language Unless You Enjoy It

Learning a new language can be an enriching experience, but it's not for everyone. If you're not interested in the language or the culture, chances are you won't stick with it.  It's important to find a language you enjoy learning; otherwise, you'll be wasting your time. But if you genuinely want the process of learning and exploring another language or culture, then go for it.

Make sure you're interested in the language and the culture before learning it.

12. Do Not Learn A Language Because Someone Told You That You Should

If you're not interested in learning a language, don't let someone else convince you that you should.  It's a waste of time and effort, and you're not going to stick with it. Only learn a language if you want to – not because someone else thinks you should. If you want to learn a new language, be honest with yourself about why you're doing it. Make sure your reasons are your own, not someone else's.

If you're not interested in learning a language, don't let someone persuade you otherwise. It's a waste of time and effort, and you won't last long.


I hope you enjoyed this tongue-in-cheek blog post about reasons NOT to learn a foreign language. Of course, there are plenty of great reasons to learn a new language. If you're considering starting your language learning journey, I encourage you to research and find the right fit. Take your time, enjoy the process, and don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately.

Bon courage et bonne chance!

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ALLEZ ELIZABETH - PINTEREST - So You Wanna Learn a Language - ​​12 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Learn A Language

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