Happy 3rd Birthday ​Allez Elizabeth!

Stay Optimistic.

Your dreams are coming true. Don't quit right before the miracle happens.


Thank you and Acknowledgements

I know I do this every year, but I can't thank enough the beautiful people in my life who inspired me to write and keep writing.

  • For the life of me, I can't remember the name of the AP English teacher at Hayward High in Hayward, California that encouraged me to write. I'm asking former classmates because I want to acknowledge her and will update this as soon as I find out. We read Sandra Cisneros' The House on Mango Street, and if you know this book, it's a collection of short stories loosely based on Cisneros' childhood. My AP English teacher had us write five short stories. I got the highest grade in the class and had to read one of my stories in front of the class. I was nervous, but she encouraged me every step of the way. After class, she pulled me aside and told me to keep writing, and so I did.
  • My husband George, who always reminds me of my power keeps me energized. Sometimes I forget, and he's there to let me know it's going to be alright. He's also the parent who stays with the woofer while I'm roaming the globe to make sure she has the proper amount of snacks.
  • Speaking of my dogter CeCe, the Chief Barking Officer, she's pretty awesome, too. She joins me on road trips but has yet to get on a plane with me. I have to change that. This little chipin keeps me grounded and provides plenty of comic relief during long writing marathons.
  • My trusty sidekicks: Evie, Alex, Jamie, Mario, Ryan, Mike, Sean Mike, and Steve. If I say any more than this, Evie is going to choke me with a Chipotle burrito. Let's just say these groups of folks inspire me to do better. Many of these friendships span 20+ years. It's because I have shared, loved, and lost that I can cherish these beautiful human beings.
  • YOU, yes you. You're here reading this and possibly have read my other posts, shared my content, or liked my food pictures on IG, given me lots of love, thank you.
Stay optimistic. Stay magical.

What's Next?

I have been a bit MIA on social, and it's because I have been reworking the 31 Day Aspiring Polyglot Challenge, a new 7 Day Conversational Course, books, and other language learning goodies (pssst…an app, too). Also, patiently awaiting my Pivo to get more live content going. I don't want to neglect the travel junkies either. Pretty pictures are lovely, and city guides are a-plenty across the web, so this one will take further thought to come to fruition. That's all I'll say about that.

It's 10 minutes until midnight, so I'm signing off.

Eat well, travel often, and learn a new language today.



*Hey, this page contains affiliate links. There’s no extra cost to you, but I receive a small commission when you decide to use them. They help me keep this party going.

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